Building INDUSTry professionals

Builders, subcontractors, developers and building owners are impacted the most by the trust account laws and may be required to set up and use a trust account. If you're a trustee or expect to become one, there are strict rules and requirements that must be followed. Trustees may also need to complete mandatory training. ​

How we can help

We’re here to help you prepare for the impact that trust accounts will have on your business. We can help you to assess and update your systems and processes, upskill and train your staff or provide ongoing advice and support for the set up and administration of a trust account.

Are you concerned about your compliance risk? Take the stress out of your trust account reviews and QBCC audits by conducting regular compliance risk assessments with Building Trusts.


Make sure you know where your business is and isn’t compliant and steps to make required updates and changes before you are audited or fined by the QBCC for non-compliance.


We’ll look more comprehensively across your business’s systems, workforce and processes and give you a report with actionable recommendations so you can operate within the rules and remain compliant.



By purchasing our compliance risk assessment, you will:

— receive a detailed review, including a report of findings prepared by our specialist team

— have clear recommendations for any changes required

— identify gaps within processes or areas of non-compliance

— proactively reduce compliance risk.


1. Single compliance risk assessment – $2,400

This covers an initial and once-off audit, detailed report with insights and recommendations, supporting information and training material and a handover meeting to explain the findings. 


2. Compliance risk assessment package – $3,600

This covers at least two separate audits of your trust accounts, again with a detailed report, recommendations and handover meetings. We will recommend conducting at least two assessments per year to help track and monitor your progress towards overall compliance. 



Both options include: 

— Free access to the Building Trusts Knowledge Base (a savings of $150 annually) 

Option 2. Compliance risk assessment package includes: 

— A free one hour tailored training session for your staff (valued at $1,500); and 

— Discounted rates on additional Building Trusts services purchased, including 50% off tailored advice and support ($150 per hour instead of       $300). 

At Building Trusts, we offer once-off or ongoing consultancy support and can answer any of your questions relating to trust accounts. 


Our solutions can be scaled to hourly, weekly, or monthly depending on your business needs and what critical point you’re at in the process (e.g., before opening your first trust account).


Contact us today for an initial free, one-on-one consultation to discuss what’s right for you, including an obligation-free proposal and quote, tailored for your business.


What we offer:

— expert guidance and advice you can rely on, once-off or ongoing

— easy-to-understand resources that simplify and translate legislation

— hands-on software solution testing

— tailored training and support packages

— implementation support and guidance.



$300 per hour flat rate fee or a specific proposal with agreed scope and requirements tailored to your needs


We have a wealth of knowledge and expertise we want to share. Our knowledge base is a live and ever-growing library of content and resources that is built on and updated as we grow.


From our experience with the QBCC to advising current building industry clients, we do the research, assess a range of scenarios and come back with options and solutions. As we answer these complex questions and learn from client feedback, we’re always refining and adding to our database of:

— training resources
— frequently asked questions
— simple infographics
— factsheets
— templates and checklists.


All downloadable, searchable and continually updated in the most popular media formats.


You can access this unique knowledge base that complements our consultancy and training services. From trust account basics to templates and tutorials, we have you covered.


Note: Knowledge Base access is included free as part of our Compliance Risk Assessment package.



1. Monthly subscription – $20 per month per user

2. Annual subscription – $150 per year per user


— Both options give you access to the same amount of information 

— All information can be access via Notion on your computer or phone

— Content is searchable and continually updated. 


All Knowledge Base users (monthly or annual) will have access to: 

— 24/7 phone support – an immediate over-the-phone service for technical issues with Knowledge Base access or to answer a question about our content

— 1-3 business day turnaround on email enquiries while we consult with our team and industry experts. 

Get the knowledge you need to ensure reliable processes and best practice are implemented, so trust accounts are administered correctly. Training can be delivered face to face or online through general information sessions, deep dive workshops and segmented training sessions that are tailored to your specific needs.

Get hands on assistance and intelligent resources to support your business through change. We’ll tailor our support to your business needs – from training staff, creating new templates, updating existing processes to embedding new procedures for your staff to follow. One size doesn’t fit all, and we’re there to help with those curly questions that are specific to your organization and clients.

Where should we start?

Contact us today

To line up a free 30 min consultation or send us an email outlining your needs.